
by | Mar 25, 2025

Published by The Supreme Team on March 25, 2025

#YodieBandz #TheSupremeTeam
Artist Name: YodieBandz

Who are you?

Im just starting out but id say I can have some flow and Im good with wordplay. Im a cool person and Id say im pretty outgoing when the vibe is right.

Where are you from?

Grew up in California, moved around a lot but stayed in my town Patterson since 6th grade. Been kicked out of my house and had to live with my older sister for half a year, sent to rehab for another 7 months. Now ive been back out for over a year and kicked out again, been living st my friends house but that didnt work out and I ended up moving in with my girlfriends family in the bay area, unfortunately the house burnt down so now im living with my grandma. Im just trying to really lock in with music now I feel like all this happened for a reason and now im dedicated.

How can we follow you?

YodieBandz on all platforms
Cashoutyodie on bandlab and X

Song Title: 444 Luv (freestyle)

Listen to YodieBandz:

Source: supremepr.us/