Oliver Nichols

by | May 19, 2024

Published by The Supreme Team on May 19, 2024

#Oliver Nichols #TheSupremeTeam
Artist Name: Oliver Nichols

Who are you?

I am an artists who is always making sure my music is memorable. I am always making music people can vibe to and or emotionally connect with. I love making music and I love making music that people could look at as different and music that can help them work through emotions as well.

Where are you from?

I am from South Carolina and unfortunately the main focus isn’t the type of music I make haha, it’s more focused on country music and sports down here.

How can we follow you?

SoundCloud – on.soundcloud.com/xhHNczuBrvAeyCNw5

YouTube – youtube.com/@olivernicholsofficial?si=-EcJ76w1TJZEcHEt

Working on releasing more music on YouTube and all platforms soon

Song Title: Flow

Listen to Oliver Nichols:

Source: supremepr.us/