Obie Price

by | Jun 9, 2022

Published by The Supreme Team on June 9, 2022

#Obie Price #TheSupremeTeam
Artist Name: Obie Price

Who are you?

I think after a certain point in my life I just stopped caring and rlly that has had a strong impact on my life. I let my mind go free and try to do shit unconventionally majority of my tracks are freestyle now and then I work on perfecting them.

Where are you from?

I have lived most of my life in Dubai. I know it sounds like I grew up in riches but rlly that wasn't the case as we were well off. I think the music here is still being discovered I know a few talented artists here and there but I feel there is an abundance of talent here waiting to be found.

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Song Title: Obie Price – Never Cared

Listen to Obie Price:
