#Benji Ellis #TheSupremeTeam
Artist Name: Benji Ellis
Who are you?
I am a colorful, calm, creative, protective artist with a few sides to explore: the rebellious bad boy, the hopeless romantic, the tranquil spirit dancer, the party animal, the insightful brave stoic, and the chameleon who can blend into any crowd while remaining myself. I am a children's and young adult author with 10 self-published books that have all received high praise, but music is my primary passion and I'm ready to move full steam ahead.
Where are you from?
I'm from St Louis Missouri originally but migrated to Columbia, Missouri early in life. It's a college town here and the music scene is pay to play. I do street performances more often than paid venues lately, but am steam rolling forward, evolving every day, and ready to knock down the stadium.
How can we follow you?
Song Title: Candy Faucet
Listen to Benji Ellis:
Source: supremepr.us/